

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


i had myself fooled.thought i had trust in God because i could say the right things and tell people i had it.but then i couldn't sleep.couldn't rest.just kept was worry.anxiety.fear.uncertainty.that is not trust.turns out, we still have our apartment.always have things are nothing like we imagined or what we thought we deserved, we abandon what is most important.without trust we have no hope.without hope we have no drive.without a vision, people is foundational.yet i claim i have that foundation, but it crumbles at a a tweak.God does not have to prove Himself.yet He does.again and again. 
Oh, for grace to trust Him more.then i wouldn't be like everyone else.worried about the economy.the future.the present.the nothing.bigger picture...more like just zooming out on life, and realizing that every season is but a pixel, and every "problem" may be a minor imperfection that actually increases the beauty of it all.we lose sight of it all when we think we are entitled to all the commodities we demand.His Word promises us so much.but what are we doing?complaining, wasting words, wasting thoughts, wasting time on worrying.on trying to be our own god, trying to create our own ideals,which really are not so ideal.
Forgive me, Father....oh, for grace.

Psalm 28:7- The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. 

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