

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mis Ninos

i love my kids.i never know what to expect from day to day.except difference.change.i like that too.i have only been with them for a few months and they have already taught me so much.they have taught me that being different is challenging and confusing and beautiful.i would not have my classroom any other is usually loud.there is usually a fight or outburst every hour or two.but there is love.we are like a family in there.we have each other's backs.we get each other.i feel like i have adopted nine new children.i love each of them differently.and they like me.and this is one of the only times i can say something about someone liking me.haha.usually i doubt it.but i know it.they are drawn to me and i am drawn to them.we laugh together, struggle together, and definitely learn together.i cannot imagine a different job or a better place for me to be right now.i love working with my teacher too.she is great.i have learned so much.i feel like something has blossomed in me.i wake up with joy each morning, and cannot wait to see how my kids are doing.i cannot wait to see how they do on each lesson, and how they handle the challenges i will never face.i respect them.they may not always respect me.but i know there is love there.and that is what matters to i know i just need to plant seeds in their lives while i am a part of them for such a brief time in their lives.i want them to know they were beautifully created, and that they can ignore all the crap people tell them.they can ignore the labels.the insults.the scores.they can overcome.i know they will.i just hope they always have someone to love them and show them that.they need it.mis ninos. :)


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