

Sunday, September 23, 2012


9 days ago i began a diet.the daniel can basically only eat plant-based foods and can only drink water.i knew it would be challenging.i had no idea that my body would writhe in pain due to some kind of detox.however, once i made it through a few days of feeling miserable, i began to feel so much better.i have had stomach/intestinal issues for most of my life.on this diet, i have had no issues.therefore, the problem was the food.the beverages.all of the unhealthy addictions and decisions.i watched forks over knives earlier this year and cried and was so touched.seeing people be healed of diseases because of changing their diets.that hit me hard.there is so much in the Bible that talks about healthy eating because our bodies are temples.think about that.a temple.a holy place, where God dwells.and i have spent years trashing that temple.why?because it's feels good.i might have some stomach aches, but never feel any intense, automatic punishment.i have not done a word study on the word "diet," but just looking at it makes me think a clever person gave it such a have discipline over what goes into your body requires one to die to his or her self.dieting can reflect a spiritual deficit or it can represent strength (in my opinion).putting junk into the body is a form of self-harm, if you really think about it.we judge people for smoking and drinking, then turn and eat our bowls of ice cream night after night.while this fast has been frustrating due to its strictness and blatant inconvenience, i am so glad i decided to do it.i learned that with Christ, i can have power over food and temptation.i do not need the amounts of sugar or caffeine i have continuously consumed.i thought it made me feel better.but i have felt so good about myself because what i eat doesn't make me feel sick or makes me feel good.okay, i'm done.just think about it, friends.i am preaching to myself here.let us stop hurting ourselves and practice discipline so we can be healthy and happy.this will allow us to please God and to be used by Him in new ways. :)

You realize, don't you, that you are the temple of God, and God Himself is present in you?...God's temple is scared-and you, remember, are the temple. -1 Corinthians 3:16-17
So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. -1 Corinthians 10:31
No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I will not be disqualified for the prize. -1 Corinthians 9:27


Sunday, September 9, 2012


I have begun my time as an intern.i have experienced so many emotions.but i feel as though i am finally getting into the swing of things.the greatest thing of all, though, is that i finally feel this peace and joy that i know i am doing the right thing.i am in the right place.that confirmation is so great, that it overwhelms and takes away the fear, the nervousness, the doubts.all of the negativity is muffled because i know that God has me here.doing this.for a many times do i need to be reminded of his care, his provision?i know that i have had great experiences and have been complimented and trusted because of Him.this is what i am called to do.right now, i am working on developing my skills, soaking in so many lessons.i am that baby caterpillar...yes, probably a very hungry one at day, i will transform.i will reveal my wings in a place where God has picked out just for me.i look back at my life and see His hand placing me, moving me.and i am so blessed.i want to reflect on my experiences because i am seriously loving life, and am reminded daily that i can and will love working in this field.