

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Man.growing up is tough.when you're little you don't understand how awful the world can don't see it, or you're shielded from it.i remember being hurt and confused as a child, having been exposed to loss and pain at a young age.but parents made me feel better.there was enough good to keep the dark out.but then getting older made things hurt's weird how that can happen.maybe not for everyone.but for me.i started seeing things that made me mad.made me question.made me hurt my foundation of i forced myself to send my brother some more postcards.i know he needs someone right now.i want to be there for him more than i have just hurts.thinking of him there.where he shouldn't be.i pulled out my pen and the postcards.and didn't know what to say.what do you say to a brother who is sitting in a dark place.i can't even imagine what he must think and feel day to could i possibly send him anything uplifting?or how do you tell a loved one who has been told there are weeks to months left to live that things are okay?what do you say in those moments that could be final?it all can get so heavy.i have no words.but i looked to the Bible.every time i have written my brother, i searched for words from God.His words actually do help.they are backed by a promises that have been proven over and over sucks.there is no getting around that.this life is but a vapor.i am but a vapor.but there is a God who loves me, who sacrificed everything for me.and He doesn't cause bad things to happen to me.or to anyone.He loves us.and He can speak to us daily.if we listen.somehow things can turn around.i believe they will.and bad things may's life.but there is hope.i sent my brother some verses.but they spoke to me.they can speak to every person.because we all need hope.let us look to God and His promises for it.

There is surely a future hope for you,
    and your hope will not be cut off.

Proverbs 23:18


Monday, October 1, 2012


I am an intern.i expected to be treated like one.however, i haven''s been amazing.i love being in sarasota.the feeling i have every morning is so great.knowing this is what i am supposed to do.i am getting used to something new.this thing called positive reinforcement.i don't even need it.didn't expect it.but where my professors or previous bosses have made me feel like i wasn't cutting it, i am feeling like i am doing well.i am supported, and encouraged.and criticized in a wonderfully respectful manner.i don't feel like i deserve it.but i am so grateful for the experience.i truly have the perfect work environment.i am able to learn and grow, and given opportunities to work independently.i see why reinforcement works for the kiddos.the boost makes you want to do more and to be better.even if you don't expect or necessarily need the's nice.i think this may be God's way of helping me build my confidence in this area.and that will make me a more effective i'll take it!

Hebrews 10:35-36

35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
